Going to Tikal in single-engine propeller plane.
Guatemala jungle.
Scale model of the city.
Map of Tikal.
Jungle trail to the ruins.
Temple 1 appears at the end of the trail.
Temple 2 from the Great Plaza.
Temple 1 and 2.
The Great Plaza and Temple 1.
The North Acropolis.
Some dude...
The Central Acropolis.
Maler's palace in the Central Acropolis.
Maler's palace and the huge Temple 5.
Toh-Chak-Ich'ak palace.
Great Jaguar Claw's palace.
Temple 1 from the Central Acropolis.
The North Acropolis.
Temple 2 and Temple 5 from the North Acropolis.
I think it is a vulture.
This animal is called Coatimundi.
The pyramid of the lost world, 32 m (105 ft) high.
A tough climb with the giant Temple 4 in the far background.
Tikal skyline (Temples 3, 2, 1 from left).
Another temple of the lost world.
Nice stone relief of a king.
Temple 3 (still unexcavated) measures 55 m (180 ft).
A beautiful bird.
Another Coatimundi.
The huge Temple 5.
At 57 m (187 ft), Temple 5 is second tallest in Tikal.
Tikal skyline from Temple 5.
Temple 4.
Checking in at 65 m (212 ft) Temple 4 is tallest in Tikal and it was the tallest man-made structure in the
Americas before the construction of the skyscrapers in Chicago in the 1800's.
Temple 4 (still not fully excavated).
The roof comb is an unbelievable 12 m (40 ft).
At the top.
Impressive view over the jungle.
Close-up of Temples 1, 2, and 3.
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