George Town.
Hotel at Batu Feringghi.
Rooftop views.
Batu Feringghi beach.
Yum, curry ayam!
Wat Chaiyamangalaran Thai buddhist temple.
Reclining Buddha.
My twin.
Dhammikarama Burmese buddhist temple.
Garuda - king of birds.
Sima shrine hall.
Penang Hill funicular.
Viewing platform at 735 m (2411 ft).
George Town views.
Kek Lok Si is a huge multi-level Chinese temple.
Level 1.
Level 2.
Level 3.
Level 4.
The great pagoda.
Oh please, no pictures, I'm so shy!
Level 5.
Komtar tower in George Town.
Lebuh Pantai.
St. George's church.
Town Hall.
City Hall.
War Memorial at the Esplanade.
Fort Cornwallis.
Sir Francis Light landed here in 1786.
Queen Victoria clocktower.
Sri Mahamariamman hindu temple.
Many colonial buildings.
Kapitan Keling mosque.
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