The vast Pacific ocean.
"Downtown" Koror.
WCTC shopping center, the only one.
Post office.
Koror main street traffic.
Just outside town.
Narrow causeway.
Long island park.
Marine life from above water.
My rental for the day, vroom!
Japan-Palau friendship bridge.
Going to Ngardmau falls.
40 min down, 60 min up in 100% humidity.
That is where we are going.
Slippery streams.
Pristine jungle.
Weird looking stick-fish.
Ngardmau falls.
Oh crap...
Babeldaob island northern tip.
Badrulchau stone monolits.
Not small.
Going to Tabecheding falls.
Palau national capitol building in Melekeok.
Boat trip to Rock Islands, an UNESCO site.
They call this lagoon the Milky Way.
Fine white sand turns the water soft.
Sun block!
Its like ice cream.
Islets and channels everywhere.
...and isolated beaches.
Snorkeling time.
More rock islands.
Arriving at Ngermeaus island.
Not too shabby for Marc.
Tour box lunch.
Portal to Hidden Lagoon.
Palau national museum.
World War 2 leftovers.
Traditional Bai building, for councils and formalities.
Another boat trip.
Shark island.
Nice and desolate.
It may not look like it, but this was a blacktip.
Just looking off the side of the boat, amazing.
Napoleon fish.
Palau Pacific Resort on Ngerekebesang island.
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