Usamacinta river.
Yaxchilan is fairly remote, 3 hours by car from Palenque and 45 min on the river.
Well, hello...
Jungle path.
Howling monkeys.
The ruins emerge from the jungle.
The great plaza.
The ball court.
Carved lintel above the door.
Huge stelae.
I think this is a calendar.
Doorway lintel.
Going up to the great acropolis.
View from the top.
Caves were sacred to the Maya so this stalagtite must have been important.
The acropolis temple with it's huge roofcomb.
There are three seated figures above each door...
...and one big figure (presumably a ruler) on top.
This way to another temple!
I'm tired...
Stelae #1 is almost 6 m (20 ft) tall.
The acropolis.
Stelae #2.
Stelae #3.
Bonampak's painted murals are some of the finest in central America and the Maya world.
Oh crap, another climb...
Top terrace with four temples.
Doorway lintel.
At the top.
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