Dropped on the highway because there is no dolmus service until May.
Cirali is 7 km (4.4 miles) down the mountain.
Arrived in "downtown" after hitching a ride in a pickup truck.
mm, would not buy meat from this place, but 24 h service is good.
Best mode of local transport.
Small pensions and B&B's everywhere.
2 cars at the same time?! Typical Cirali traffic nightmare.
Modern day aquaduct.
One of the bigger streets, it is even paved.
My B&B is that way?
"Stay on the path" for 2 minutes.
Lovely little place with nice family staff.
Cirali population is said to be around 1000.
Cirali beach.
My new buddy/arkadash Mr Nasu (pickup driver).
Cirali beach is 3.5 km (2.2 miles) long.
Resting place with Mount Musa as a backdrop.
One of five restaurants.
This part is called Olympos beach, near to the Olympos ruins.
First view of Olympos acropolis.
Akdere creek is the eastern entrance to Olympos.
Olympos ruins.
Probably founded around 350-300 BC.
Right by the entrance is the sarcophagus of captain Eudemos.
And the sarcophagus of Marcus Aurelius Zosimas.
Keep walking.
Beautiful setting for a city.
Canals and walkways.
The monumental tomb of Marcus Aurelius Archepolis.
The sarcophagus of Antimachos.
Tapinak temple.
The giant Portal of the Cella.
Episcopal church.
The bishop's palace (the Episcopeion).
The bath complex across Akdere creek.
Main street east-west.
2 story housing complex with creekside courtyard - hot real estate!
The north necropolis (cemetery), with 113 tombs.
Great stonework, amazing precision.
Entrance tunnel to the theater.
And then you run into this guy, just out for a stroll.
Paved north-south bridge street, and Mount Musa.
One pillar remains, and the bridge must have been huge.
The sarcophagus of Alkestis in the south necropolis.
Highly decorated.
Turkish breakfast, yum!
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