Yucatan jungle.
Site map.
Entry to ruins.
The Oval Palace.
Maya entrance arch.
The ball court.
The Twin Pyramids.
Ruler stelae.
Big main structure 1 - the Acropolis.
Structure 2 is hidden under the trees.
Steep climb...
The Jaguar Altar.
Winged Maya warriors.
Structure 3 is unexcavated.
Maya town names are hard to pronounce.
Site map.
The temple of Kukulkan (El Castillo) with 365 steps.
The temple of the jaguar.
Long snake.
The biggest ball court in the Maya empire.
How did they do this?
Warriors in procession.
The temple of the bearded man.
The platform of skulls (Tzompantli).
Jaguar throne.
Ruler stelae.
Giant snake heads on the temple of the eagles.
Chac Mool.
The temple of the warriors.
Chac Mool.
Temple of 1000 columns.
Entry door to the chamber of death.
The market (El Mercado).
The temple of the high priest (Ossario).
Masks of Chaac, the rain god.
One of many sacbeob.
The red house (Casa Colorada) and a second small ball court.
The observatory (El Caracol).
Small arch.
The temple of the nuns (Las Monjas).
The church (La Iglesia).
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